I've been pondering the future of the blog for a number of weeks now. At one point I was just going to end it - the blog that is - because I'm hardly using it. I've realised that its place in my virtual life has been taken over variously by things like Faceboook, Twitter, Flickr/Picasa/Photobucket, last.fm/Spotify and the two current forums (DigitalSpy and GallifreyBase) I'm active in. Ironically it was my being kicked off GallifreyBase's predecessor, OutpostGallifrey, that spurred me to go elsewhere with my ramblings and here is where that was back in March 2006. Gawd, life these days on the net is so complicated that I haven't got time for an actual life to write about!
Basically, I'm dropping all the regular 'gay erotic' content. Not because I've suddenly found God or turned str8 or anything, besides the past stuff will stay. I felt the blog was becoming just a coy gay porn blog, and there are much more dedicated, up to date and less coy ones out there - you only need check my BlogRoll. The content will last appear on 19th September, the day before my birthday, when the current scheduled posts expire. From me turning 45 the new regime kicks in.
Here's your chance to protest about it via the comments. If I don't get any Plan A goes ahead. If I do, Plan B is to farm all that off to a new blog.
I'm wondering how many visitors take it all for granted and won't even notice this post as it's not tagged 'gay erotic' itself?
Now the downside is that I may be just as absent a landlord and things may get sparse, but I'm hoping that will make me want to fill things up again. You're possibly looking at me doing shorter, more stream-of consciousness posts that are too big for Twitter, but possibly not the sort of essays I usually think blogs should be about. I also want to make more of my photos, which would ordinarily look boring amongst the man-meat I have been proffering.
Anyway, I'm open to suggestion, especially from fellow bloggers, for whom this dilemma does seem to be more generally occurring due to the advent of new online social tools.
Just not sure whether it's me or the blog that's having a mid-life crisis ...