Wednesday, 5 April 2006

Bird Flu hits UK ... in Fife

News is coming through that tests on a dead swan have tested positive for bird-flu (tho not confirmed yet as the H5N1 strain) and it's in Fife. They'll only say it's in Sir Menzies Campbell's consituency so far (the complete opposite end of Fife from me).

DoctorVee (in Kirkcaldy) has a philosophical view on this

Update 1409 BST 6 April 06:

H5N1 now confirmed on BBC News 24 as the media scrum descends on Cellardyke. However, while Tony Blair fielded questions on this from Irish journos at a press conference on the future of the NI Assembly and the SNP are ranting that Jack McConnell must return forthwith from 'Tartan Day' to deal with the situation, most are taking a cautious rather than alarmist approach (even if some think the whole disease is a media construct). This may change if 2 dead swans found today in a Glasgow park also prove to have expired the same way.

I certainly won't stop eating chicken or eggs or suchlike, and would urge everyone to take this sane approach. Waitrose please note. H5N1 has been present in Scotland before and was eradicated then.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Reckon we’d better close the bridges and quarantine the county. Don’t want those filthy Fifers coming over here and contaminating us with their germs.

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