Tuesday, 31 October 2006

November "Attitude" - Take That, History Boys etc

Sorry I failed to cover last month's annual "Porn" issue (actually not one of their best) but here's a bumper crop of scans from the current issue. The re-united Take That are on the cover with an exclusive photoshoot and an interview with Anthony Crank. Ironically it's now Gary Barlow looking the fittest - the others look a bit ravaged.

Despite getting a coup with the 90s pop combo, the magazine are a bit slow on getting a feature on "The History Boys" which was released here in mid-October. I apologise in advance that the layout means I've cut 4 of the cast out of the trouser-dropping shot.

Lastly, as they rarely have attractive fashion spreads the fact they have 2 retro-styled shots mean I've included an example from each.

Also inside is a quick chat with chanteuse Amy Winehouse whose current single "Rehab" is a current favourite of mine.

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