Tuesday, 8 April 2008

BBC4 Medieval Season Promo

Yes, OK, I'm having a YouTube splurge. It's just I've found quite a few nice things there lately.

Here's another - the promo for BBC4's impending Medieval Season using some animation and a very strange version of "Purple Haze" in a contemporary stylee.

Anyone know the artist? I'd guess at Ed Alleyne Johnson but not sure ...


Anonymous said...

It was arranged by a guy called Tam Nightingale (who also played the mandolin on Russell Brand's BBC Radio 2 trail). He recorded it with 4 other musicians on 12 different medieval instruments. The trail was produced by Red Bee and the Advertising Agency who came up with the idea was RKCR in London. The animation was by Transistor NYC through Strange Beast in London

Graeme said...

Thanks for such a comprehensive answer!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the BBC4 Medieval Season Promo clip - don't suppose that it's available as an avi? :-)

nabooster said...

its available as a hi res quicktime here:


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