Monday, 30 April 2007

A Jaguar ate my iMac!

Bad news folks!I've buggered my home computer.

Well not literally, but I bungled an (ironically out of date) upgrade to Mac OS X and the thing is stuck somewhere on that journey and refusing to go back to what was. The bloody install CD won't even come out of the drive! Actually the dodgy drive may be the root cause of all this, rather than the insufficient memory I first suspected.

It basically means AGAIN that my blog will be somewhat neglected and Gay Porn Star Peek is unlikely while I am computerless at home. It's not a complete shutdown though as I can do a few things from here at work during lunch and doldrums.

With the coming of Leopard I was aiming to replace my seven year old iMac this year anyway, though not so keen at being bounced into it. Luckily prices have dropped from the levels of 2000 and I can probably get the current model (running Tiger) for 12 monthly instalments of around £66 so it's not too crippling.

With luck, this might even be resolved this week by a trip to John Lewis. It will be my fourth Mac - my first was back in 1993.

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