Friday, 27 April 2007

Movie Totty - The "Sunshine" boys

Sorry I've been neglecting my duties a bit lately. Hope to make up at the weekend if the weather isn't too gorgeous.

Anyway I went to see my THIRD film at the cinema this year (something of a record!). After "Hot Fuzz" in February and "300" a fortnight ago, me and mate PJ went to take in "Sunshine" on Wednesday evening. Ironically it was blazing sunshine both before and after we entered the darkened cinema!

I'd give it a seven out of ten and say it's not a feelgood movie nor typical Hollywood sci-fi. There's also no sex or nudity at all, which is all very fine. A little disappointing then that these two screen lovelies were the male leads - Cillian Murphy and Chris Evans. Atop this post is a pic of the two together during the film while below are desktop wallpapers of each in character. Enjoy!

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