Thursday, 31 May 2007

Big Mother

The launch eleven

Yes, it's the all-female "Big Brother" we were warned about yesterday. We expect the first cock-drop (apparently neither "a geek or a gay") on Friday night, but I'd predict a low ratings figure for tonight's 'highlights' show.

It's a definite risk for the show - on balance I accept it, but it made for an anti-climax on launch night with no raging testesterone or male totty. I liked the principle (but not so far the practice) of the identical twins. On reflection I'd have to say the two oldest were the two that stood out for me last night. These are the oldest ever BB housemate at 60, Lesley (above) and Carole, 53 (below). I hope both stay a while over the usual 'Daily Star' fodder 'babes'.

More here and here

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