Friday, 13 March 2009

Swedish Strip Golf

Now you know I couldn't resist featuring this one ...

I was in two minds about terming Henrik totty, as I'm not really too familiar with him, but I have to say he scrubs up well and looks well upholstered in the right place!

Stenson explained:
'Because of the mud I couldn't really afford to play in any of my clothes as they would have been a real mess down the last six or so holes so I had no option,' Stenson said after his round.

'I was only wearing two things when I hit the shot, my jocks and my golf glove - that is the only thing that will appear in the picture aside from the golf club - just the way God created me.

'Shirt, trousers, socks, shoes, hat, the lot was off.'

Stenson certainly saw the funny side but also said his decision paid dividends.

'I just remembered I didn't have my rain gear so I didn't have any choice,' he said. 'I felt like I was definitely going to save a shot by actually playing the ball so that was the only decision I had to make.

'If you are saving a shot, that has to be worth taking your shirt and trousers.

'I'm sure I'll hear a few comments and once the pictures get out, I'll hear a few more no doubt. I'll probably take that to my grave with me.

'I don't think I scared too many spectators off the course, hopefully.'

Stenson also believes he might have opened up a new avenue for sponsorships following his impromptu strip.

'Absolutely, you never know, after this I might have a new endorsement with PlayGirl or something like that.'

1 comment:

xpozure4u said...

I'll bet Peter Allis was huffin' and puffin' when he saw this and there would be a few G 'n T's spilled in clubhouses all around as some old boys choked .

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