Sunday, 28 January 2007

"Doctor Who" totty - Ryan Carnes

I forgot to take the opportunity to post some pics when his casting was announced in the autumn, so I'm correcting that omission. Ryan will be seen in the 2-part story beginning with "Daleks in Manhattan", which (by my reckoning) should be on the consecutive Saturdays 28 April and 5 May.

He's best known from "Desperate Housewives" but was also gay-for-pay in the film "Eating Out" (playing a character called Mark Everhard) where he appears full-frontal nude!

More @ Google Images


Anonymous said...

You are mistaken. Ryan's part in "Eating Out" was not "gay-for-pay". His character was definitely gay.

Graeme said...

I'm not mistaken - I meant he was paid as an actor to play gay in both parts.

Anonymous said...

Ryan Is Gay in real life!

He wasn't paid, he wasn't asked... he did what he is... and boy is it good!

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