Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Doctor Who - "Key to Time" UK boxset details

Cribbed from the official BBC site (which also has a full list of features and extras):

Here's the full glory of the forthcoming mega-release, all wrapped in a perspex Key-to-Time-like packaging ...

And here are the individual DVD covers for all six constituent stories...

Now for those memories of September 1978-February 1979 to come flooding back (it's released on the 24th of next month). Available on Amazon for £52.49.

And a quick guide for the uninitiated to Season 16 here (includes 'spoilers').


Bear said...

I loved this season! 14 years old and having a wild time! My guilty secret is that The Pirate Planet is one of my all-time favourire stories (something to do with Douglas Adams being behind it, I suspect).I've got the season on VHS, but can't wait for the DVD quality and extras...

Graeme said...

Yes, "Pirate Planet" is probably my favourite too. It's probably Williams' most even season. "Stones of Blood" and "Androids of Tara" have their inspired moments too, but "Armageddon Factor" bored me to tears and still does (a taste of season 17 production values too!).

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