Friday, 31 March 2006

Doctor Who - Series 2 - The hype begins!

Tuesday night at last saw the press launch in Cardiff's Millenium Centre, but the effect of the publicity campaign has been a little more staggered this year. An embargo meant the press coverage did not hit until Thursday and we're told not to expect the new TV trailers until this Saturday night. Plus very little except series opener "New Earth" have actually been revealed, even though almost everything is 'in the can' (Saturday is also the last day of filming it seems ... possibly on the very last scene in episode 13).

Rumours and speculation continue to fly in this info-vacuum, with openly filmed location sequences of Autons and Slitheen for episode 10 largely written off as "flashback scenes".

Anyhow, click the title link to take you to the CGI-heavy "New Earth" gallery - I'd imagine the more spoileriffic shots will be added after transmission on 15 April, but as I speak only 15 pics are up.

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