Saturday, 2 May 2009

Landmarks x 3

I have managed to sneak in before a previously scheduled post to claim the 100th post of the year so far - hurrah!

Actually though, I come to mark a couple more significant landmarks.

Firstly, today it will be exactly a year since I moved into the 'new' flat. As it's in a particularly tidy order at the moment I'm rather chuffed. This is probably some sort of feng-shui thing, no doubt.

May I present my humble abode (my first shot at this!):

More seriously, after a little overdoing it (one time too many) over Easter, I decided to give up drinking alcohol, at least for a period of time to detox. Today it will be sixteen days, and after tomorrow I'll (hopefully) have survived through 3 whole weekends without any booze. This is my longest dry period ever I think! The withdrawal symptoms were minimal, though I'd heard it was a big risk to come off and go 'cold turkey', rather than slowly decrease intake.

I've also got my medication and blood monitoring to consider, but discovered on Thursday that my INR count is comfortably within target. Basically, it's not thickened to be a clotting risk, which might have been expected without the regular thinning influence of alcohol.

I've found a couple of white wine substitutes which, although non-alcoholic, are probably loaded with sugar or suchlike. Though my all-too-regular tipple was 7.5% white cider, I haven't found a convincing substitute (apple juice?). One of the wine substitutes comes in champagne-style wrapping (but costs £1.27 a bottle), so it almost feels like a treat!

One of the first 'tests' of my willpower was last weekend when I had a friend over. I assured him it was fine if he wanted to drink in my presence (I'd noticed my Dad had refrained the previous weekend when I visited him) and he duly did. I don't want to make anyone else uncomfortable or deprive them, plus I have to get used to it. Only now have I discovered just how ubiquitous alcohol is in everyday life and conversation.

As an extra test for me, I've left two un-opened cans of Diamond White in the flat. Glad to report I've went nowhere near them.

However, I've also not been subject to any great stresses so far, nor been in a bar, which might be the first big challenges.

Very happy to receive any further tips from those who've been here before.

Anyways, I'm not sure what my end-point is for this, as in whether I see being teetotal as and end in itself or merely as a discipline I can bring to bear when necessary. Having had such few withdrawal symptoms, I'm not even sure whether I was more neurotic than alcoholic when I made the decision but an average of 2 litres @ 7.5% per weekday and more on a Saturday and Sunday can't be healthy and there had been a number of ominous 'signposts' to warn me where I might be heading. Realistically though, I'm probably aiming for a happy medium where I can ration the occasions when I will allow myself to drink, without it descending again into a growing habit.

1 comment:

xpozure4u said...

You've given up drink?????????????

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