Sunday, 3 May 2009

The Votes Are In!

You may have noticed that the first two polls on the daily "Meat to Please You" models have disappeared and been replaced by two new ones.

I was a little disappointed at so few votes (14) but hopefully this will pick up in time.

Those of you who did vote caused this result for the first (10 day) poll:

WINNER - Jeremy Walker

Joint 2nd were Jesse Santana and Jake Stockman and joint 4th were Logan McCree and Bobby Clark. The rest got no votes whatsoever!

The second poll turned out thus:

WINNER - Daniel Marvin

Joint 2nd were Marcio Blade and Christian St Jon, 4th was Adam Campbell and 5th was Vance Winter. Only Holmstein came away without a vote.

Remember to vote on the right >>> for the past two week's models - voting closes at midnight BST on Friday 8 May.

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