Wednesday, 19 April 2006

BBC wages revealed

The top 10 salaries in full (I dunno who John Smith is either):

1. Terry Wogan (R2) £800,000 2. Chris Moyles (R1) £630,000 3. Chris Evans (R2) £540,000 4. Jonathan Ross (R2) £530,000 5. Mark Thompson (DG) £459,000 6. Mark Byford (Dep DG) £457,000 7. Steve Wright (R2) £440,000 8. John Smith £387,000 9. Ross Kemp (Eastenders)£380,000 10. June Brown (Eastenders) £370,000

( with thanks to "The Guardian" )

In fact Jeremy Paxman gets more than any of these, with a combined salary for "Newsnight" and "University Challenge" of over £1m. Dunno how "The Guardian" missed that.

Interesting to see how colleagues feel about all this - I'm not really too surprised or horrified at the sums when you consider those in football - as I read that 4-days-a-week Mark Radcliffe earns £4000 more at R2 than 5-days-a-week veteran Ken Bruce. That must hurt. And it will be interesting to see whether Chris Evans remuneration is for his new (and controversial) drivetime slot or his previous once-a-week show.

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