Friday, 14 April 2006

The Lure of the Swiss ...?

I can think of at least 3 obvious flaws in this rather naff promotion:
  1. Doesn't Switzerland have a football team? And have they not qualified?
  2. Not only girls are immune to the charms of the World Cup (and some girls love it)
  3. It's not only girls that might be interested in 'Swiss hunks"
I remember World Cup 1998 being the worst example of this half-baked sexist thinking, when those of us who didn't want wall-to-wall football on our telly or down the pub thought "Hey, let's go to the cinema" only to find all the summer blockbusters had been hastily put back until after the competition ("The X Files", "Lost in Space" and "Godzilla" included) so that there was just chick flicks on offer. I had hoped this mistake had been learnt from but maybe the Swiss are a bit slow.

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